Problematic issues of proving the signs of an organized group for crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies or in the field of computer information

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Rector of the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Affiliation: Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Vrubel st., 12
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

Every fourth crime today is connected with the use of information and telecommunication technologies or committed in the field of computer information. Most of them are committed by organized groups, but not all participants in such criminal associations are brought to criminal responsibility, and about 70% of the acts in this category remain unsolved at all. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the difficulty of proving the fact that an offence was committed by an organized group. At the same time, in law enforcement practice and the theory of criminal law, there is still no unified approach to the concept of ‘organized group’ and its constituent elements. In this regard, the purpose of this research was to study the practice of qualifying acts related to the use of information and telecommunication technologies or computer information based on the commission by an organized group. The objectives of the research were to study the verdicts and other final decisions of courts of various instances on criminal cases of such crimes, scientific publications on the problems of complicity in general and organized group in particular, to determine on this basis the mandatory and optional features of such a group. In the process of research, the author of the article used the general scientific, frequent-scientific and special methods of cognition, primarily methods of analysis and synthesis, logical, system-structural, comparative, functional, formal-legal and statistical methods. The author of the article studied 52 verdicts and definitions of appeal and cassation court instances, as well as scientific publications on the problems of complicity in crime. Based on the results of the research, mandatory signs of an organized group were formulated and its definition was given; a number of recommendations were made to prove the fact that it was the organized group that committed crimes using computer information.

Keywordshierarchy of a criminal group, qualification of cybercrime, computer crime, organized group, complicity in crime, stability of a criminal group
Publication date05.12.2023
100 rub.
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