“The Long Middle Ages” in French Political Caricature of the 20th — 21st Centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is devoted to the analysis of how modern French caricature uses the images of the Middle Ages to represent politicians and to identify their political ideas. The study of the features of the influence of these images on the caricature of the 20th — 21st centuries, according to the author, deserves attention not only because of clarifying the concept of “Long Middle Ages” which is gaining in our days growing popularity. It is no less important from the point of view of the social history: to look how the modern French comprehend the political life of their country, what visual images they use for it, what problems they try to solve with their help, and what paradoxes of perception of a long-gone era they demonstrate at the same time. Basing on the rich illustrative material the article analyzes the changes in the political landscape of France in recent decades: the features of the representation of the far-right “National front” and its leaders, Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen, as well as their left-wing opponents; their struggle for certain Medieval characters, used for propaganda purposes; the situations that require to appeal to the past and to specific historical heroes.

KeywordsFrance, 20th — 21st centuries, political caricature, historical memory, Middle Ages
Publication date30.11.2020
Number of characters40557
100 rub.
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