The effect of quasi-direct currents on the generator-transformer unit

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Togliatti State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Energetika
EditionIssue 6

The computational modeling of the extended generator-transformer unit, which gives the power to the electric power system over a long-distance overhead line in condition of the activation of geoelectric source of quasi-direct geomagnetically induced currents, was carried out. A mathematical model of a geoelectric source with a linear increase of intensity was taken as the most informative for determining the threshold intensity level, exceeding which, begins to affect the generator reactive capability regime. The dependences of the reactive power and stator current of the unit contructed generator, on the potential of the grounding device were obtained. This dependence are due to necessety of compensation the increasing magnetizing power of the unit transformer with unilateral saturation of the magnetic system. The possibility of a 3-fold overload of a generator unit by the reactive power and almost 2 times the current overload of stator windings is shown. The harmonic composition of the stator current during the unilateral saturation of the magnetic system of the transformer unit at various potentials of the grounding device was determined. It is shown that the most significant is the second harmonic of the stator current, whose current at the maximum potential can reach 53% of the rated stator current. Analytic expressions are obtained that make it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of asynchronous moments due to the harmonics of the stator current. In the article, it is substantied the possibility of the rotor vibrations with a frequency of 300 Hz because of the interaction of the direct wave of the magnetomotive force excited by the fundamental harmonic of the stator current and the reverse wave of the magnetomotive force of the second harmonic of the stator current.

Keywordssynchronous generator, transformer unit, geoelectric source, quasi-direct geomagnetically induced current
Publication date16.01.2019
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