Assessment of economic efficiency of development directions of the industry on the use of secondary building resources

Publication type Article
Status Published
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
Recycle Materials"
AIN A.M. Prokhorov
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Volgograd state technical University
Address: Volgograd, Russian Federation
Journal nameEkonomika i matematicheskie metody
EditionVolume 57 Issue 1

Abstract. In the process of implementation of national projects and renovation of dilapidated housing stock, an increase in the generation of construction and demolition waste is predicted, which sets the country's economy the task of increasing the volume of their use as secondary building resources (SRB). Recycling is the most effective method for using the material and energy potential of SRB. The article deals with the problems of increasing the capacity and development of the SRB processing industry, which can be carried out by creating new production processing complexes, reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises and re-profiling unprofitable enterprises in other industries. The article evaluates the directions of development of the industry and substantiates the feasibility of creating and functioning regional integrated organizational structures for processing and using SRB in the reconstruction of facilities. The problem of determining the period of decommissioning of the enterprise is formulated and solved, taking into account the possibility of reducing the cost of reconstruction by using the remaining material potential of SRB obtained after its liquidation, and the factors affecting the efficiency of their processing are determined. One of the conclusions of the article is the need for state regulatory incentives and regulation of the development of the sphere of SRB utilization, which ensures that the cost of storing unused waste is higher than the cost of processing it.

KeywordsKeywords: secondary building resources (SRB), reliability, the beginning of reconstruction, construction and demolition waste, resource saving, recycling, economic and mathematical methods, economic efficiency.
Publication date29.03.2021
Number of characters26094
100 rub.
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