Science of Man: Theory, History, Method
Humanist Futurology: J. Naisbitt and I.T. Frolov |
Maria I. Frolova
Pages 5-21 |
Towards Homo socialis: Information brokerage and social engineering |
Denis Andreyuk
E. Makhiyanova
Pages 22-32 |
Humanitarian Perspectives
Biotechnological moral enhancement |
Roman R. Belyaletdinov
Pages 33-38 |
The Measure of All Sciences
The music and the plastic arts: Constants, senses, sensations |
Igor Ashmarin
Pages 39-44 |
University of Man
On the parataxis and the hypotaxis: the structural contrarity of early and later cultures (from the example of antiquity) |
Andrey Shipilov
Pages 45-53 |
Where from and Where to?
Kabbalah under PostKModern: The tradition and innovations |
Valeriya Khachaturian
Pages 54-68 |
Anatomy of Philosophy: Rejoinders in a dialogue
Is the philosophy of history needed today? |
Vladimir Krzhevov
Vadim Mezhuev
Pages 69-97 |
Does Philosophy Discover Something New? |
Nadezhda Volkova
Yulia Sineokaya
Alexey Gaginsky
Pages 98-113 |
Tempera et Morris
On Forms and Contеnt of Moral Precepts in the Catholic Devotional Literature of the Early Modern |
Margarita Korzo
Pages 114-129 |
Humanitarian Expert Review
O sport, you are... |
Andrey Voronin
Pages 130-138 |
The Fate
Chayanov’s pedagogics |
Aleksandr Nikulin
Pages 139-157 |
From the Treasuries of Culture
Akhmatova and Seneca |
Sergey Shultz
Pages 158-170 |