Humanist Futurology: J. Naisbitt and I.T. Frolov

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Researcher, Humanitarian Expertise and Bioethics Sector, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionIssue №6

The article analyses the work of the famous American futurist J. Naisbitt and compares his ideas to the humanist approaches of I.T. Frolov. Particular atten tion is paid to the bioethical ideas and recommendations set out in the books of Naisbitt. I.T. Frolov is known for his works on human problems and humanism. He was the founder of bioethics in Russia. As a result of the detailed comparison of the ideas of Naisbitt and Frolov, the author infers that American and Russian philosophers, despite a number of ideological and civilizational differences, come to the same conclusions. The reason for this is the humanistic aspiration, which permeated the work of both scientists

KeywordsJ. Naisbitt, I. T. Frolov, megatrends, futurology, bioethics, humanism
Publication date07.12.2018
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