Bilingual Language Environment: Experience of Spain and Russia [1]

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of department of Linguistics and Professiobal Communication
Affiliation: Moscow State Linguistic University
Address: Moscow, Ostozhenka 38
Occupation: Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor of the Department of French
Affiliation: North Ossetian State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRussian Journal of Bilingualism Studies
EditionTheoretical and Applied Aspects of the Bilingualism Research in the Focus of Scientific Discussions

The article examines the  mechanism of language contacts in  bilingual environments at the regional level. The linguistic situation, peculiarities of bilingualism and language conflicts are studied on the example of regional languages of Spain - Basque, Catalan, Galician, Aran and Valencian languages. The linguistic situation in North Ossetia, which was studied using the same parameters relevant to Spain, seems to be unbalancedin terms of the status of the Ossetian language and the dominant role of the Russian language in the region.Linguists are concerned about the formation of national identity, which, under certain socio-historical conditions of North Ossetia, should be formed in a three-dimensional space of national (Russian), regional (Ossetian) and world cultures.   The issues of national identity and the preservation of national cultures are particularly acute in multinational statesand  in  bilingual / polylingual environments.

Keywordsbilingual environments; languages in contact; linguistic situation; language conflicts; national identity.
Publication date22.10.2021
Number of characters20168
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  1. Introduction

The bilingual language environment is linked to the concept of "contacting languages" or "languages in contact". Linguistic contactology studies the mechanisms of language contact between two or more languages under certain socio-historical conditions in monolingual / bilingual / polylingual environments. The issues of national identity and the preservation of national cultures are particularly acute in multinational states.

  [1] The reported study was funded by RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) in the framework of the scientific project No. 20-512-07003 "Unified Civilization Platform of Russia, North and South Ossetia as the Basis of a Multicultural Approach to Education and Interethnic Tolerance”.    
2 The formation of a bilingual environment involves the study of the linguistic situation of the country / region, what is related to the use of the following terms: – regional language, which means a language that exists independently from the official language on the territory of the state, but has an official status within the administrative-territorial subject; – a minority language or the language of a national minority, which is used by a smaller group of the population and also differs from the official language of the country.
3 The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages [7] changed attitudes towards minority languages, called for respect for the linguistic rights of minority peoples within multinational states, proclaimed the principle of multilingualism, and defended minority languages as part of cultural heritage and cultural diversity. Although the European Charter [7] lists regional and minority languages as synonyms, it seems that a minority language is a broader concept than a regional language, because not every minority language has official status within an administrative-territorial entity.
4 The linguistic situation [17] is defined as the linguo-geographical unity of the contacting languages in the form of a social and communicative system in a certain time and territorial format. The sociolinguistic description of the linguistic situation in polylingual (multinational) countries / regions is difficult in the context of two opposing trends: – towards political and economic integration within a single state; – towards cultural and linguistic diversification at the regional level.
5 These trends are reflected in the status of regional and minority languages. On the one hand, they are being replaced by languages that play a primary role in interethnic communication, social interaction and professional growth, on the other hand, there is an expansion of the social functions and scope of regional and minority languages, an increase in interest in them as a means of preserving ethnic identity.
6 Language planning / language engineering [11] is inextricably linked to language policy. The language policy of the state refers to the state policy on national-language issues, the identification of the causes of language conflicts and the role of the state in their solution, measures to change (preserve) the functional distribution of languages and their subsystems, as well as the normalization of the language, the codification of the literary norm, etc. [4, p.89].
7 Language policy, which aims to "change the language environment in the desired direction" [14, p. 7], is implemented through legislation, the media and the education system. Modern researchers distinguish three main directions of language policy: – expansion of the language corpus, including standardization; – raising the status of the language; – dissemination of language learning.
8 The status of a language is determined legally and assumes the position of the language in relation to another. Along with the legal status, the actual status of the language is distinguished, due to its actual use, that is, the functional load of the language is determined.
9 The analysis of the language state involves the consideration of: 1) the status of the language; 2) the totality of functional styles and their substyles; 3) the forms of language existence; 4) the forms of language implementation in speech (oral, written, audiovisual, electronic forms of text existence) [20]. Depending on the functional distribution of languages, balanced and unbalanced language situations are distinguished.
10 2. Experience of a bilingual language environment on the example of Spain
11 One of the most contacting languages in the world is Spanish. Language contacts play an essential role: – in the formation of Spanish, when vulgar Latin and the autochthonous languages of the Mediterranean come into contact; – in the process of its spread on the Iberian Peninsula and interaction with Asturian, Aragonese, Galician-Portuguese and other idioms, Arabic and Catalan languages; – in the course of its export overseas and contacts with the Native American languages of Latin America.
12 The historical development of the Spanish language has led to its dominant position in the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America, creating a kind of discrimination against the languages and idioms in contact with it (for example, the disappearance of some Native American languages).
13 During the 40 years of Franco's dictatorship in Spain, the use of languages other than the official Spanish (Castilian) was completely banned. The same Franco decreed the persecution of the languages of the different regions, making it clear that in Spain only Spanish was spoken. However, this concerned only certain social functions of the language and their scope (use by the mass media, the education system, etc.). Minority languages occupied a marginal position in society and existed only in the sphere of family communication.

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