The SREB project and Russian-Chinese dialogue |
Elena Safronova
Pages 2-9 |
Cross-Border economic zone as an urbanization core at a periphery region (case of the Sino-Russian border) |
Ivan Yu. Zuenko
Ilya G. Chubarov
Pages 10-17 |
United States in Asia-Pacific region. Expert community’s impact on the presidential decision-making |
Natalia Tsvetkova
Faina G. Strugach
Pages 18-23 |
Afghanistan-OIC: increased interaction |
Pages 24-27 |
Technology transfer: the experience of GCC countries |
Lyudmila Shkvarya
Pages 28-34 |
Transport in Africa: capabilities and prospects |
Kirill A. Aleshin
Andrey K. Barinov
Ekaterina N. Zanoskina
Pages 35-40 |
Reform of educational system in China: a long way in 40 years |
Maria A. Guleva
Pages 41-44 |
HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and malaria in the mirror of African social advertisement |
Anastasia Banschikova
Pages 45-50 |
International migration in globalization: models and theoretical contradictions |
Pages 53-58 |
Mongolia’s Kazakhs and Tuvans: ethnographic sketch |
Marina Mongush
Bayarsaikhan Badarch
Pages 59-64 |
Kente cloth as an image of afrocentric style |
Nadezhda Khokholkova
Yulia D. Vorotilova
Pages 65-69 |
Korean literature in Russia/USSR/Russian Federation (Works in Russian of the writers of the North and South Korea) |
Yun Li San
Pages 70-76 |
Ethiopia: the experience of ethnic federalism |
Pages 77-79 |