United States in Asia-Pacific region. Expert community’s impact on the presidential decision-making

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head, American Studies Department
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Occupation: Post-graduate student, American Studies Department
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 3

The debates about a power of the U.S. presidents in foreign policy decision-making are associated with both bureaucratic and presidential models. The bureaucratic model states that the U.S. presidents, while making decisions, are limited by experts, agencies, and political parties. The presidential model of foreign policy decision-making stipulates that cognitive skills of the president, his management style and the leadership are primary drivers for selecting experts and advisors, and the bureaucracy has an inconsiderable impact on the president. Moreover, the impact of American expert community on foreign policy decision-making is determined by preferences of the President. If the President looks for obtaining a variety of new options for foreign policy, think tanks make an influence on the President. If the President has no intentions to listen recommendations of the expert community, this channel of information is impeded. The paper tests both concepts and illustrates how experts and think tanks were able to frame some decisions made by Barak Obama, and how Donald Trump denies the options for making a policy in the Asia-Pacific region that disrupts the decision-making in the White House. President Barack Obama aspired the expert information about the Asia-Pacific region channeled by think tanks that contributed to the policy known as Pivot to Pacific. President Donald Trump has no aspiration to work closely with the expert community that contributes to the American unpredictable policy towards the Asia-Pacific region and its main actors as China, Japan, North and South Koreas. The paper concludes that the concept of the presidential decision-making is strongly appropriate to frame the actions of Donald Trump in the foreign policy.

KeywordsUnited States, Asia-Pacific region, foreign policy decision-making, think-tanks, Barack Obama, Donald Trump
Publication date27.03.2019
Number of characters22165
100 rub.
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