Effect of foliar treatment of vegetative plants on soil microbial flora

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

The article contains materials of scientific research reflecting the positive effect on the soil microflora of foliar treatment of vegetative plants with various preparations. A small-scale experiment on growing carrots on low-lying peat soil of the Yakhroma floodplain (Moscow region) was carried out. For foliar treatments were applied biological means, developed at VNIIMZ – biological product LPB (the active principle – agronomically useful microflora) and biological means BoHum (the active principle – humic substances). Spraying was carried out three times per season at a rate of flow of a working solution of 300 l / ha (dilution 1: 100, 1: 300, 1: 500). To assess the effect of biological means on soil processes in soil samples, the number of ammonifying, amylolytic and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms was determined. The intensity of the mineralization processes in the soil was estimated from the value of the mineralization coefficient. It was established that the foliar treatment of vegetative plants carrot with biological means of LPB and BoHum increased the total number of identified soil microorganisms by 21-22%, while the mineralization of nitrogenous compounds in the soil during spraying with humic bio means occurred more intensively 3 times, and the biologic preparation of LPB 2.3 times, concerning the control. Activation of soil-microbiological processes (due to bio means entering the soil), together with the activation of physiological processes of plant growth and development (as a result of contact with bio means on the leaf plate of plants) increased carrot yield by 19.4 and 18.3%, respectively, when using LPB and BoHum in 1: 300 dilutions. The regression analysis data confirmed a statistically significant relationship between carrot yield and the total number of soil microorganisms (r = 0.67) and soil mineralization coefficient (r = 0.77). The positive effect of foliar treatments on the soil microflora was also revealed in the cultivation of spring wheat and potatoes.

Keywordsfoliar treatment, biologic preparation of LPB, humic biological means BoHum, soil microflora, yield
Publication date06.12.2018
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