Nitrogen flows in agrophytocenosis on soddy-podzolic soil

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Academician of the RAS
Affiliation: Pryanishnikov All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Pryanishnikov All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Pryanishnikov All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

Micro-field experiment was carried out with the application of oats and timothy biomass, and nitrogen fertilizer marked by stable isotope 15 of the N, and manure for the use of nitrogen by plants, and the flows of this element were analyzed in the system "fertilizer -soilatmosphere". It was found that the barley consumes the most amount fertilizer nitrogen and soil nitrogen when applying a nitrogen mineral fertilizer; the consumption of the oats and timothy nitrogen biomass decreases by 18-36% and 6-36% respectively. Application of the oats and timothy biomass increases nitrogen immobilization in the soil and agrophytocenose resistance from 1.6 to 1.8 times, decreases gaseous losses of their nitrogen from 1.4 to 2.0 times in comparison with nitrogen fertilizer (stress mode). Manure application decreases nitrogen losses from the oats and timothy biomass by 1.6 times. Maximum yield of grain the barley forms when using nitrogen fertilizer as a result of its access in the soil. Application the cereal crops biomass either separately, or along with manure reduces the yield of barley by 30-13% compared with nitrogen fertilizers, which affect nitrogen flows in the agroecosystem. 

Keywordsisotope of the N, oats and timothy biomass (marked by N), manure, flows and balance of fertilizers nitrogen and nitrogen of biomass, soil nitrogen
Publication date29.10.2018
Number of characters1220
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