Necessary characteristics of barley varieties for adaptation to unfavorable weather conditions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Grand PhD in Biological sciences
Affiliation: Branch of Dagestan Research Institute of Plant Growing, Dagestan Experimental Station
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: PhD in Biological sciences
Affiliation: N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Grand PhD in Biological sciences
Affiliation: N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: PhD in Biological sciences
Affiliation: N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: PhD in Biological sciences
Affiliation: N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

At the Dagestan experimental station, 360 samples of barley were studied from the world gene pool of the VIR named after NI Vavilov. The sample was represented by 2- and 6-row, winter and spring, of different eco-geographical origin forms of culture. As a result of the long-term laboratory-field studies, samples with a productivity of more than 500 g / m2 were identified with an average sample size of 200-400 g. The Isp value of the noted varieties >1, therefore, they can be classified as ecologically plastic varieties. Samples of doublerow barley are morphologically characterized by a combination of increased productive bushiness with a smaller number of spikelets, respectively, and grains in the ear than the six-row barley. Theoretically, one would expect that with the development of plants and the formation of a crop under favorable conditions, low productive bushiness of 6-row forms is compensated by a large number of spikelets and grains in the ear; a smaller number of spikelets and grains in the ear in 2-row rows - high productive bushiness. At the same time, the significance of morphological differences in subspecies in the formation of their final productivity would not be significant. However, in the study area, six-rowed barley is more affected by the widespread Swedish fly (the factor that limits crop yield in the region) than double-rowed and in general the samples of the distichon L. subspecies exceed those of vulgare L. over the final crop. The frequency of occurrence of productive forms is higher among two-row barley. On the basis of the analysis of the results of many years of research, taking into account that the factors affecting the harvest of barley in this zone are plant damage caused by fungal diseases, damage to the Swedish fly, lodging, and salinization, we consider it economically more efficient to cultivate in conditions of irrigated farming southern Dagestan with the corresponding characteristics.

Keywordsbarley, variety, ecological plasticity, adaptive potential, productivity, sources
Publication date29.10.2018
Number of characters1734
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