The sources of black currant and red currant biologically active substances for the selection of the berries chemical composition improving

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

The VNIISPK black and red currant collection was studied for the content of biological active substances in berries, including ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and phenol compounds (vitamin P). The results of the study for the period of 1990–2015 are given. 256 black currant varieties, elite and selective seedlings and 103 red currant varieties, elite and selected seedlings were studied. Genotypes with a high level of characters on study were allocated for use in target crossings for fruit chemical composition improvement. The varieties , elite and selected seedlings of VNIISPK breeding were picked out as recommended sources of those characters, including black currants Desertnaya Ogoltzovoy, Muravushka, Nadina, Orlovskaya Serenada and red currants Marmeladnitza, Niva, Podarok Pobediteliam and Ustina having high contents of ascorbic acid in berries; black currants Arapka, Yershistaya, Zusha, Nadina, Nura, Ekzotica and red currant Osipovskaya having a high level of anthocyanins; black currants Yershistaya, Zusha, Nadina, Orlovia and Yubiley Orla with a high content of catechols; black currants Gamma, Gratzia, Lentiay, Orlovsky Vals and red currants Asya, Podarok Pobediteliam and Selianochka with a high level of leucoanthocyanins; black currants Yershistaya, Yubiley Orla and red currants Asya, Podarok Pobediteliam and Selianochka with a high sum of P-active substances in berries.

Keywordsblack currants, red currants, varieties, elite and selected seedlings, ascorbic acid, anthocyanins, catechols, leucoanthocyanins
Publication date01.10.2018
Number of characters1327
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