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1. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (2009) Elites and Leadership in Russian Politics, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Leadership, Routledge, London.
2. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (ed.) (2015) Structural Transformations and Development of Domestic Schools of Political Science, Aspect Press, Moscow (In Russian).
3. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (ed.) (2016) Political Science Facing the Challenges of Global and Regional Development, Aspect-Press, Moscow (In Russian).
4. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (2016a) Political Science in Front of the Challenges of Modern Politics, Polis, 1, pp. 828 (In Russian).
5. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (2016b) Political Science as a Metadisciplinary Matrix, International Processes, 14, 1, pp. 8694 (In Russian).
6. Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (2018) Political Elites in the USA under George W. Bush and Barack Obama: Structure and International Politics, Historical Social Research, 43, 4, pp. 141163.
7. Nikitin, Alexander I. (2016) The New System of Relations of the Great Powers of the XXI Century: a Concert or a Confrontation?, Polis, 1, pp. 4459 (In Russian).
8. Nikitin, Alexander I. (2018) Modern World Oder: its Crisis and Prospects, Polis, 6, pp. 3246 (In Russian).
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