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1. Golovashina, Oksana V. (2015) How Much does the Past Cost? Memory Industry and Identity Crisis, Filosofskie Tradicii i Sovremennost, Vol. 2 (2015), pp. 1724 (in Russian)
2. Henaff, Marcel (2012) Le Don des philosophes. Repenser la reciprocite, Le Seuil, Paris (Russian translation).
3. Ilyenkov, Evald V. (2009) The Dialectic of the Ideal, LOGOS. Filosofsko-literaturnyj Zhurnal, Vol. 1 (2009), pp. 662 (in Russian).
4. Linchenko, Andrei A. (2016) The Past as an Object of Commercialization: the Ontological Aspect, Filosofskie Tradicii i Sovremennost, Vol. 9 (2016), pp. 7381 (in Russian).
5. Lubbe, Hermann (2003) In Zug der Zeit. Ferkurzter Aufenhalt in der Gegenwart, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (Russian translation).
6. Magun, Artemii V. (2011) Unity and Loneliness, Moscow (in Russian).