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2. Antonovskiy, Alexander Yu., Barash, Raisa E. (2017) Truth and authority as categories of social philosophy, Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, 5, pp. 120134 (In Russian).
3. Kukathas, Chandran (2007) The liberal archipelago. A theory of diversity and freedom, Oxford University Press, Oxford (Russian Translation 2011).
4. Luhmann, Niklas (1997) Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main (Russian Translation, 2005)
5. Rawls, John (1993) Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press, New York.
6. Stichweh, Rudolf, Windolf Paul (eds.) (2009) Inklusion und Exklusion:·Analysen zur Sozialstruktur und sozialen Ungleichheit, VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.