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1. 国民旅游休闲纲要(2013—2020年)的通知 [Circular on the Outline of National Tourism and Leisure (2013–2020). Official Site of the Government of PRC (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
2. 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010–2020年) [Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010–2020). Official Site of the Government of PRC (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
3. 关于义务教育阶段学科类校外培训收费有关问题的通知 [Notice on Issues Concerning the Charges for Off-Campus Training of Students in Compulsory Education. Hunan Province Government Official Website. (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
4. (百度文库). (关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见) [Parent and Child Travel and Research Trips in China. Annual Development Report. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
5. 李 婷. K12教育公司入局,“双减”之后研学教育危机并存 [Li Ting. K12 Education Company Entered the Game. The Crisis of Science and Education Coexisted after the “Double Reduction”. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
6. 企查查研究院. 近十年旅游行业投融资数据报告 [Report on Investment and Financing Data of Tourism Industry in the Past Ten Years. Qi Chacha Yanjiuyuan (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
7. 教育部等11部门印发《关于推进中小学生研学旅行的意见 [11 State Institutions including the Ministry of Education Issued the “Opinions on Promoting Academic and Study Travel for Prima-ry and Secondary School Students”. Official Site of the Ministry of Education of PRC (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
8. 张笛. 浅谈研学旅行与研学基地自然寿命周期 [Zhang Di. Talking about the Natural Life Cycle of Research Travel and Research Bases. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
9. 汉文旅集团联合中国旅游协会. 中国亲子游与研学旅行年度发展报告. [Parent and Child Travel and Research Trips in China. Annual Development Report. Hanwen Lvjituan Lianhe Zhongguo Lvyou Xiehui (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
10. 中小学学生赴境外研学旅行活动指南 [Guidelines for Overseas Research Trips for Primary and Secondary School Students. Baidu Baike (in Chinese)].中小学学生赴境外研学旅行活动指南(试行)/14919854?fr=aladdin (accessed: 25.06.2022).
11. 百度文库. 中小学生综合实践活动课程指导纲要 [Outline of the Comprehensive Practical Activity Curriculum for Primary and Secondary School Students. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
12. 百度文库. 中小学生暑假研学调查报告 (2021) [Survey Report on Summer Vacation Research for Primary and Secondary School Students. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
13. 中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要 [Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Vision for 2035. National Development and Reform Commission, People's Republic of China (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
14. 百度百科 “十四五”文化产业发展规划 [“14th Five-Year” Cultural Industry Development Plan. Baidu Baike (in Chinese)].“十四五”文化产业发展规划/57212318?fr=aladdin (accessed: 25.06.2022).
15. “双减”的同时推动“双增”,增加校内体育锻炼、校外体育培训等时间、机会 ["Double Reduction" While Promoting “Double Increase”, Increasing the Time and Opportunities for On-Campus and Off-Campus Physical Exercise. Official Site of the Ministry of Education of PRC (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
16. 暑期研学游人数同比增长超650% 研学游走俏,服务标准要跟上 [The Number of Summer Research and Study Tours Increased by more than 650%. Service Standards Keeping up Year by Year. Zhongguo Qingnianbao (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).
17. 百度文库. 研学旅行服务规范 [Study Travel Service Specification. Baidu Wenku (in Chinese)]. (accessed: 25.06.2022).