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Fig. 1. Map of Sudan with archaeological sites mentioned in the text (Maksim Lebedev). ( [Download]
Fig. 2. Magnetic image of the area to the north of the Great Amun temple from the survey held in 2006 (after Kendall, El-Hassan, 2016, p. 127, fig. 1) and digital elevation model generated from aerial ( [Download]
Fig. 3. Great Amun temple and position of B 1700 (aerial photo by Sami El-Amin). ( [Download]
Fig. 4. General plan of monuments excavated at the foot of Jebel Barkal (surveyed by Rob Rosa). ( [Download]
Fig. 5. Plan of the excavated part of B 1700 (Maksim Lebedev and Simone Nannucci). lan of the excavated part of B 1700 (Maksim Lebedev and Simone Nannucci). ( [Download]
Fig. 6. Stratigraphy of the fill of Room II (drawing by Maksim Lebedev). ( [Download]