Ontological classification of verbs and the semantics of Russian conjunction poka ‘while’

Publication type Article
Status Published
VINITI, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 125190, Russia
Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 109240, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 5

Russian conjunction poka ‘while’ imposes non-trivial restrictions on ONTOLOGICAL TYPES of the conjoined clauses.  In order to describe these restrictions we need to address the opposition of different types of states — such as PERFECTIVE state, state of EXPECTATION OF IMPENDING EVENT (or state of NON-OCCURRENCE of event), state oriented towards its START OF ENDING, etc. The conjunction poka creates a context for pleonastic (or, rather, idiomatic) negation with preferences of use changing throughout the recent history of language. Conjunction poka occupies a specific place in the class of temporal conjunctions, being a PRIMARY (i.e. RIGID) EGOCENTRIAL: its tense semantics appeals to the speaker and the moment of speech. For example, in sentence Poka Ivan ne prishel, Masha prigotovit obed ‘While Ivan hasn’t yet come Masha will prepare the dinner’ (example from the paper by L. Iordanskaja and I. Mel’čuk) the state of non-occurrence of event described in the subordinate clause refers to the moment of speech, so that the future tense of the main clause is anchored on the moment of speech, which is characteristic of the future tense of the DIALOGICAL REGISTER OF INTERPRETATION. 

Keywordsontological types, perfective state, state of non-occurrence of event, primary egocentrical, register of interpretation
Publication date20.10.2015
Number of characters925
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