Milestones of creative biography And scientific Outlook of p. ya. Galperin

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Corresponding Member of RAO, Sc.D. (Psychology); Professor of the Department of General Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology
Affiliation: Russian education Academy
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №5

The aim of the study is to give a holistic view of the P.Ya. Galperin’s innovative theory, pay attention to the questions of methodology and theory presented in his papers. P.Ya. Galperin’s interpretation of such philosophical concepts as “ideal”, “material”, “reflection” is examined in the context of the nature of psychic. The most important philosophical questions of P.Ya. Galperin’s psychological theory are distinguished and the solutions to these questions are given: psychophysical problem as a question of the essence and the place of psychic in the world; psychophysiological problem as a question of the relationship between psyche and brain; the problem of human instincts in connection with socialhistorical nature of consciousness. P.Ya. Galperin’s innovative interpretation of theoretical problems of psychology is presented: the subject and the method of investigation as the theory of the step-by-step formation of mental actions and concepts, the problem of the development of the psyche in philo- and ontogenesis, the concept of attention, the interpretation of the concept of "pure thinking", that was introduced into science by the Würzburg School of Psychology of Thought; also concepts of psyche, mental activity, human action and mental action are given. The value of new terms and concepts introduced by P.Ya. Galperin is shown: psychological mechanism, orienting activity, organic in human nature, linguistic consciousness. The contribution of P.Ya. Galperin in psychological practice is evaluated.   

Keywordssubject of psychology, scientific terminology, orientational activity, linguistic consciousness, biological, social, organic, the theory of the step-by-step formation of mental actions
Publication date02.11.2018
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