Batumi oil pipeline: A discussion between two imperial societies about the fate of the project (1888–1892)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics – National Research University in St. Petersburg
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 39 3

The paper examines the 1888–1892 discussion on oil export and construction of the Baku – Batumi pipeline. Therefore the history of oil production is reviewed from thenew perspective – as a public initiative that had been developing in the RussianEmpire in the last quarter of the 19th century. In this context, the themes concernedwith the making of Russian oil industry are reviewed. The main groups involved in thediscussion of oil export policy are described, as well as their positions and arguments.Special attention is given to the discussion between the members of the ImperialSociety for Promotion of Russian Trade Shipping and the Imperial Russian TechnicalSociety. The author concludes that a public association (Imperial Society forPromotion of Russian Trade Shipping) that had no oil resources of its own managed toimpact the distribution of these resources. To maintain its position against oil export,the Society united its supporters, using both the rational, “modernist” arguments andtraditional ideas appealing to their patriotic feelings.

KeywordsBaku – Batumi pipeline, Imperial Russian Technical Society, Imperial Society for Promotion of Russian Trade Shipping, Absheron Peninsula, Russian oil industry, Volga-Caspian Trade Shipping.
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters1080
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