The development of the Soviet school of the history of Arabic mathematical science: From the 1940s through the 1960s

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 39 3

  Before the mid-20th century, the main line of research in the Russian / Soviet orientalstudies was the studies of geographical, historical and philological works of themedieval Arabo-Islamic authors. With rare exceptions (B. A. Dorn’s works devoted toastrolabes stored in the Russian museums (1838, 1842, 1844, 1865), N. V. Khanykov’sstudy of “The Book of the Balance of Wisdom” by al-Khazini (1859), V. V. Bartoldwork on Ulugh Beg (1918), the works devoted to physical and mathematical literaturewere very few. The paper by A. P. Yushkevich titled “Omar Khayyam and his‘Algebra’” published in Issue 2 of “Proceedings of the Institute for the History ofNatural Sciences” (Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniia) in 1948 laid the foundationfor the new line of research in the Russian history of mathematics that eventually ledto the formation of the Soviet school of the history of physical and mathematicalsciences in the countries of the Medieval Middle East. Translations and studies of theArabic written scientific heritage began to appear in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistanapproximately at the same time. The collaboration with Yushkevich and the historiansof mathematics and astronomy from Baku determined B. A. Rozenfeld’s researchinterests in the history of science (the first work on this topic was published in 1951).It is Yushkevich and Rozenfeld, the foremost historians of mathematics in the 20thcentury, to whom the Soviet school of the history of mathematical sciences in themedieval Middle East owes its emergence and development. The paper describes thehistory of creation of this scientific school and the biggest accomplishments of Soviethistorians of Arabic mathematical science during a little over the first two decades ofits existence.

KeywordsSoviet school of the history of mathematics, mathematics of the medieval Middle East, À. P. Yushkevich, B. A. Rozenfeld, the Baku group for the history of mathematics, the Tashkent group for the history of mathematics
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters1536
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