Russians on the African Continent: From Journeys to Scientific Expeditions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Library for Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Ul. Znamenka, 11/11
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 41 4

This paper is devoted to the presence of Russian people on the African continent from the 11 th to the early 20 th century. Three types of migration are described: pilgrimage, research activities, and tourism, all of which resulted in the Russian diaspora beginning to form in Africa in the late 20 th century. Much attention is given to scientific research whose germs may be traced back to the 15 th century. Scientific studies conducted in the African continent by the Russian naturalists as well as their publications have won international acclaim and are still used by the scientists from across the world in their own studies. The paper reviews the publications by the Russians explorers of Africa that are of great interest for the scientists who study Africa, and contain unique information on geography, cartography, ethnography, botany, and zoology, that can be of topical importance at this stage of the development of science.

KeywordsAfrican continent, pilgrimage, journeys (khozhdeniya), pioneers, travelers, naturalist, natural science studies, publications, rare books, diaspora
Publication date23.12.2020
Number of characters48017
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