Dobrolet, the first Russian stock company for air transportation (1923–1929)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, 125315, Moscow, Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 4

This paper reviews the history of emergence and development of Dobrolet, the first stock company for air transportation in the USSR, in the NEP (New Economic Policy) era. It is based on the previously unknown materials deposited at the Russian State Archive of the Economy and on the aviation literature of the 1920s. The paper analyzes the range of aircrafts used by the company and reviews the routes of the flights and distinguishing aspects of the company’s development in different regions of the USSR. Dobrolet’s significant role in the provision of air transportation to the remote regions of USSR, organization of the first international destinations, and overall development of civil aviation in the USSR is depicted, using numerous examples.

KeywordsDobrolet, civil aviation, airplane, aircraft, flight destination
Publication date16.12.2019
Number of characters44989
100 rub.
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