
Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Prof., researcher
Affiliation: Rouen-Normandy University, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Values, Ideas, Identities and Competences in Education and Training
Address: France
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 8

The article shows how the idea of solidarity was born and developed during the XIX century, responding to the difficulties of understanding the social connection between individuals. Solidarity in our time means a set of moods and actions of citizens to provide mutual support aimed at strengthening the co­hesion of society. In nineteenth century France it also had other meanings. With the use of Saint-Simon's metaphor of society as a living organism, supplemented by the concepts of function, association and coop­eration, the concept of solidarity was initially developed by Pierre Lerou basing on Christian tradition. But it was in "solidarisme" of Leon Bourgeois that solidarity gained political expression, becoming the doctrine of the Third Republic. Socialization of people solidarity learning was announced in the early 20th century as the task of French schools.

Keywords solidarity, socialization, cooperation, mutual assistance, social integration, moral unity of society
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters1065
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