Social Well-Being of Russians in the Spring of 2022

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: 125167, Moscow, 49 Leningradsky Ave
Affiliation: Russian State Social University
Address: Moscow, st. V.Pika, building 4
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 5

In this work, based on the materials of a sociological survey of Russians, an analysis of the social well-being of citizens after the onset of the economic crisis and the introduction of external sanctions is carried out. The empirical analysis is based on the data of the all-Russian survey of the population (N=4422) conducted by the authors in May 2022. The data obtained represent the opinion of Russians aged 18 years and older, divided into regions in all federal districts of the Russian Federation. The article presents an examination of two aspects of the social well-being of Russians in the context of the economic crisis. It is concluded that the emotional and psychological aspect is illustrated by an increase in anxiety and an increase in uncertainty about the future, an actualization of the risks of violating personal security. In turn, the behavioral aspect of considering the social well-being of Russians has the opposite character: despite the presence of signs of depression in the emotional background, the majority of Russians are oriented towards constructive actions. In particular, the following empirical results were obtained in the work: almost half of Russians faced the problem of job loss, there are difficulties with employment and a massive decline in incomes of the population. In view of these problems, 2/3 of Russians were forced to change their way of life (this was perceived most painfully by the female part of the population). Despite the general increase in anxiety, the majority of Russians are focused on the implementation of a new life strategy and are actively planning their future: get an education, go into business, change jobs. Correlation analysis showed a strong relationship between changes in the social well-being of the population and such a factor as the destruction of the usual way of life. At the same time, difficulties with work, the disappearance of familiar goods had a much lesser impact on the growth of anxiety among social groups in Russian society than the need to reduce spending and change lifestyles.<strong >

Keywordssocial well-being, anxiety, life strategy, lifestyle, economic crisis, sanctions, consumption.
Publication date12.07.2023
Number of characters43410
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