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1. Etingof O.E., 2018. The fresco painting in the naos of the St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod. Opus mixtum, 6, pp. 190–201. (In Russ.)
2. Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova [Charters of Veliky Novgorod and Pskov]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, 1949. 407 p.
3. Karamzin N.M., 1988. Istoriya gosudarstva rossiyskogo [History of the Russian state]. Reprint edition. I, I–IV. Moscow: Kniga. 593 p.
4. Karger M.K., 1958. To the issue of the sources of chronicle records about the activities of Peter the architect and Theophanes the Greek in Novgorod. Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury Instituta russkoy literatury [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature at the Institute of Russian Literature], XIV. Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, pp. 565–568. (In Russ.)
5. Loseva O.V., 2009. Zhitiya russkikh svyatykh v sostave drevnerusskikh prologov XII – pervoy treti XV veka [Lives of Russian saints as part of ancient Prologues of the 12th – first third of the 15th century]. Moscow: Rukopisnye pamyatniki Drevney Rusi. 466 p.
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10. Rozhdestvenskaya T.V., 1992. Drevnerusskie nadpisi na stenakh khramov. Novye istochniki XI–XV vv. [Old Russian inscriptions on the walls of temples. New sources of the 11th–15th centuries]. St. Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. 170 p.
11. Sarab'yanov D.V., 1998. Fresco painting of the 12th century in the nave of the St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuriev Monastery. Pamyatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiya. Pis'mennost'. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiya: ezhegodnik [Monuments of cultural heritage. New discoveries. Literature. Art. Archaeology: Yearbook], 1997. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 232–239. (In Russ.)
12. Sarab'yanov D.V., 2002. Painting of the north-western tower of St. George’s Cathedral in the Yuryev Monastery. Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo. Rus' i strany Vizantiyskogo mira. XII vek [The art of Rus. Rus and the countries of the Byzantine world. 12th century]. O.E. Etingof, ed. St. Petersburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, pp. 365–398. (In Russ.)
13. Sarab'yanov D.V., 2012. Painting of the mid 1120s – early 1160s. Istoriya russkogo iskusstva [History of Russian art], 2/1. Iskusstvo 20–60-kh godov XII veka [Art of the 1120s–1160s]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstvoznaniya, pp. 159–335. (In Russ.)
14. Sedov Vl.V., 2015. Archaeological finds of 2014 in the St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuriev Monastery. Vestnik Rossiyskogo gumanitarnogo nauchnogo fonda [Russian Foundation for Humanities Journal], 1 (78), pp. 175–185. (In Russ.)
15. Sedov Vl.V., 2019. The main results of the excavations in the Church of the Annunciation at Gorodishche in 2016–2017: archaeology and architecture. Arkhitekturnaya arkheologiya [Architectural archaeology], 1. Moscow: IA RAN, pp. 10–34, ill. I–XII. (In Russ.)
16. Sedov Vl.V., 2021. Architecture of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the St. Anthony’s Monastery. Sobor Rozhdestva Bogoroditsy Antonieva monastyrya v Velikom Novgorode [Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the St. Anthony’s Monastery in Veliky Novgorod]. Velikiy Novgorod, pp. 109–143. (In Russ.)
17. Sedov Vl.V., Etingof O.E., 2016. New data on the architecture and fresco painting of St. George’s Cathedral in the Yuriev Monastery. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo [Architectural heritage], 65. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Kolo, pp. 16–29. (In Russ.)
18. Sedov Vl.V., Vdovichenko M.V., Kadeyshvili E.A., 2016. Fresco painting of the 12th century on the walls of the St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery (based on materials from the 2014 archaeological works). Restavratsiya i issledovanie pamyatnikov kul'tury [Restoration and research on cultural heritage sites], 8. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Kolo, pp. 11–17. (In Russ.)
19. Tsarevskaya T.Yu., 2016. New data on the original painting of the St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod. Iskusstvo khristianskogo mira [The art of the Christian world], 13. Moscow, pp. 195–206. (In Russ.)
20. Yanin V.L., 1988. Nekropol' Novgorodskogo Sofiyskogo sobora. Tserkovnaya traditsiya i istoricheskaya kritika [The necropolis of the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral. Church tradition and historical criticism]. Moscow: Nauka. 238 p.
21. Yanin V.L., 1991. Novgorodskie akty XII–XV vv. Khronologicheskiy kommentariy [Novgorod records of the 12th–15th centuries. Chronological commentary]. Moscow: Nauka. 382 p.
22. Zaliznyak A.A., 2004. Drevnenovgorodskiy dialekt [Old Novgorod dialect]. 2nd edition. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury. 872 p.