Causes of Crime: A Critical Analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Center for Legal Research
Address: Azerbaijan, Baku
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 4

The article offers an interpretation of the causes of crime, taking into account recent achievements in the social sciences. Various explanations of inborn and acquired human vices, their influence on the formation of criminal motivation are analyzed. An attempt is made to critically analyze the criminological, anthropological and deviantological views on the socio-legal phenomenon under consideration, as well as the role of natural, technogenic and social factors in the mechanism of criminal behavior determination. A hypothesis has been put forward according to which many types of crimes are not only the product of a «social construct»: they, so the author, simultaneously represent a genetically determined behavioral act of a destructive-volitional nature, based in the genotype of Homo sapiens, which is activated only under the influence of certain external (social) conditions, so and factors of natural, technogenic and biological nature. On the basis of this hypothesis, the author's concept «Binary singularity of the crime causes » has been developed.

Keywordscrime, genetic background, factors of crime
Publication date18.04.2022
Number of characters22006
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