Нow the Soviet Union Could Be Preserved (Baltic Angle)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of MFA of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 8

The historical experience of the world’s first socialist state and the reasons for its collapse is a fundamental problem not only in Russian, but also in foreign social studies. In the context of the globalization of the economy and the emergence of regional forms of association of states, one of which is the EU, the experience of the USSR is in demand: the integration of states that differ in socio- cultural characteristics, common patterns are inherent. The EU is solving the same systemic problems and experiencing the same difficulties as the USSR. This is due to the diversity of the countries that make up the unions, and the uneven development of their countries. The article substantiates the role of the subjective factor, including the ability of managers to use the experience of the most developed countries, the understanding of which is the basis for overall development. In the USSR, these are the Baltic republics, the population of which most acutely felt the need for radical reforms. The article examines the proposals prepared in this region for the country’s recovery from the crisis and the attempts made to encourage the leadership of the USSR to reform, the rejection of which led to the collapse of the country.

Keywordscrisis of centralization, the largest catastrophe of the twentieth century, the subjective factor of the historical process
AcknowledgmentThis article is a translation of: Симонян Р.Х. Как можно было сохранить Советский Союз (Балтийский ракурс) // Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniia. 2021. No 8: 62–71. DOI: 10.31857/S013216250014595-7
Publication date27.09.2021
Number of characters33599
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