The Burial Assemblage of the Egyptian Priestess Nesitaudjatakhet

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: А.E. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, Kiev
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii

Nsj-tA-wdA.t-Ax.t), the Theban Priestess of the 21st Dynasty buried in the Bāb el-Gusūs Cachet (Lot No. 6 of the gift of Khedive from 1893). At present, funerary objects of this lady belong to the museums of different countries. Her outer coffin is kept in Odessa (inv. OAM 52976). In 1895 the inner coffin was dispatched to Kazan and the mummy board – to the Yuryev University (now in Voronezh). Shabti box of Nesitaudjatakhet is kept in St. Gallen at Switzerland, while shabties are distributed among 13 countries. The heart scarab of Nesitaudjatahet is probably in Zagreb and two funerary papyri are kept in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

KeywordsBāb el-Gusūs, 21st Dynasty, Khedive gift, Nesitaudjatakhet, burial assemblage
Publication date20.12.2019
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