Post-capitalism as a Social Inter/trans-formation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 2

The article continues the discussion about the probable post-capitalist global future, the reflections on which are a necessary part of the Marxist discourse: both the critical analysis of modern capitalism and the building on the basis of this analysis of the general political strategy. The author rethinks the concept of Marx that between capitalism and communism lies a long era of revolutionary transition and shows that this era can no longer be thought of as a «dictatorship of the proletariat».It is shown that our ideas about the economic, technical and technological, political, socio-class, cultural, interpersonal and existential content of this transitional post-capitalist era directly depend on the specific historical level of development of real capitalism. Since modern capitalism is becoming more and more digital, communication, post-industrial, cognitive, post-Fordist, Indigo-economy, and the key productive social group is the creative class (cognitariat, personaliat, socialiat), then our ideas about the near post-capitalist future are determined by this trend. However, from the author's point of view, many Marxists (with a general rather cautious prediction of the future) hastily and unreasonably extrapolate the growth of the creative class, the increase in free time and creative activity due to total robotization, not for the transition period, but for the «Kingdom of freedom» itself, for «communism». The author shows that such extrapolation is premature and today in the «loci» of the most developed countries a long transition (inter/trans-formation) from a secondary social formation to a tertiary formation (as well as from the capitalist mode of production to communism) is being formed, in which creativity will become the leading activity, which will lead to the emergence of a new social structure characterized by inequality between the personaliat (creative class) and the impersonaliat. In this inter/trans formation there will be dependence on smart machines, one-sided (intellectual, spiritual, cognitive) development of personality, lack of human relations, existential emptiness.

Keywordspost-capitalism, social formation, inter/trans-formation, personaliat (creative class), impersonaliat, creative class, creative activity, «smart» machines, social contradictions, kingdom of freedom, self-realization
Publication date16.03.2020
Number of characters32338
100 rub.
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