Specifics of State Awards as a Means of Value System Formation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of Foreign Philology Department
Affiliation: Moscow state pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation:  Assoc. Prof. of Foreign Philology Department
Affiliation: Moscow state pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Assoc. Prof. of History Department
Affiliation: Moscow state pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 11

The issue of state awards (essence, functionality, history, significance, and role in society) belongs to the integrative field of science therefore uniting sociology, history, ethnosociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The paper is devoted to a comparative analysis of Russian award system from 1917 up to now. The authors view the award system as a social construct created and supported by social institutions according to the main goals and objectives of society at a certain state of its development. This social construct reflecting a certain model of human behavior and traits of character serves as a means of forming a specific value system in demand at a given period. It is shown that until the 1950s each Soviet award were in compliance with a specific historical moment, and the rules of awarding, clearly fixing both the situation itself and the qualities of a person worthy of being marked by the people, avoided fluent interpretation. It is important that the names of the awarded, due to the wide coverage of their actions in the media, became symbols of certain moral values and were used further in various contexts in the process of value formation. The article discusses factors that contributed to the loss of educational function of awards in the late period of the Soviet Union. Furthermore, a particular emphasis gets the differences between the current Russian system of awards and the systems of pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia. Reforms of the award system, manifested in the abolition of Soviet orders and medals and the restoration of pre-1917 orders, are an expression of radical restructuring of policies and requirements of the state towards behavior and value-semantic sphere.

Keywordssociology, history, ethnosociolinguistics, ethnopsycholinguistics, awards, state, identity, value orientations, personality
Publication date02.12.2019
Number of characters28344
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