A Radical Contester: Sociology of Russian Scholarship through the Prism of a Deviant Case

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher; Full Professor
Central Economic Mathematical Institute RAS
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Address: Canada, Newfoundland
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 7

The article discusses academic freedom in the Russian institutional context. The establishment of some distance to what a scholar is studying and his/her ability to change the research methodology depending on particular circumstances are considered as elements of academic freedom. A case study of the scholarly career of Professor Viktor Makarenko informs the analysis. This case is deemed to be extreme/deviant.

Keywordsacademic freedom, Russian power, Russian world, scientific communication, content analysis
Publication date16.07.2019
Number of characters29393
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