Aleksey F. Losev. Twenty-Five Years of Work in the Field of Classical Philology (1915–1940)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor at the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leading Researcher at the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS; Head of the Department at the Library-Museum “The A.F. Losev House”
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS
Library-Museum “The A.F. Losev House”
Address: 1 Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 79 Issue 6

For the first time in scientific and scholarly circulation, from the personal archive of the great Russian thinker A. F. Losev (1893–1988), there is introduced a unique ‘Ego-document’ of 1941 – a Report prepared in partial requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philology, representing the history of the scholarly growth of the thinker, given by himself and from his point of view. This text is important not only from a historical and biographical perspective, but also as a valuable author's evidence of methodological principles and their evolution over the course of 25 years – from 1915 to 1940.

KeywordsA.F. Losev, ancient literature, philology, philosophy, aesthetics, sociology, methodology
AcknowledgmentThe published study was carried out at the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, project № 17-18-01432-П).
Publication date25.12.2020
Number of characters22848
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4. Takho-Godi, E.A. A.F. Losev o gotevskom uchenii o tsvete, tragedii “Faustˮ i romane “Verterˮ [Alexey F. Losev on Goethe’s Theory of Colors, the Tragedy ‘Faust’ and the Novel ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’]. Voprosy filosofii [Topics in Study of Philosophy], 2019. No. 9, pp. 162–172. (In Russ.)

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6. Losev, A.F. Khudozhestvennyye kanony kak problema stilya [Artistic Canons as a Problem of Style]. Voprosy estetiki [Topics in Study of Aesthetics]. Vol. 6. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ., 1964, pp. 351–399. (In Russ.)

7. Losev, A.F. Ucheniye o stile [The Study of Style]. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2019. 456 p. (In Russ.)

8. Losev, A.F. O ponyatii khudozhestvennogo kanona [On the Concept of the Artistic Canon]. Problema kanona v drevnem i srednevekovom iskusstve Azii i Afriki: Sbornik statey [The Problem of the Canon in the Ancient and Medieval Art of Asia and Africa: Scientific Сollection, Ed. by I. F. Murian]. Moscow, Nauka Publ.,1973, pp. 6–15. (In Russ.)

9. Losev, A.F. Istorii antichnoy estetiki [History of Ancient Aesthetics]. Vol. II–VIII. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1969–1994. (In Russ.)

10. Losev, A.F. Antichnaya mifologiya s antichnymi kommentariyami k ney: Entsiklopediya olimpiyskikh bogov [Antique Mythology with Antique Commentaries on It: Encyclopedia of Olympic Gods. Collection of Primary Sources, Articles, [Translations] and Commentary by Prof. A.F. Losev; Foreword by A.A. Takho-Godi]. Kharkov: Folio Publ.; Moscow: Eksmo Publ., 2005. 1139 p. (In Russ.)

11. Losev, A.F. Nikolay Kuzanskiy v perevodakh i kommentariyakh [Nikolay Kuzansky in Translations and Comments. Ed., Comp., Foreword, Preparation. Text, Commentary by E.A. Takho-Godi]. Vol. I–II. Moscow: Izdatelskiy Dom YASK Publ., 2016. (In Russ.)

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16. Losev, A.F. Dva mirooshchushcheniya. (Iz vpechatleniy posle “Traviatyˮ) [The Two World Perceptions (From Impressions after “La Traviata”)]. Studenchestvo zhertvam voyny [Studenthood for the Victims of War, Ed. by F. G. de La-Barth, N.V. Samsonov]. Moscow, Tovarischestvo skoropechatnikov A.A. Levenson Publ., 1916, pp. 105–121. (In Russ.)

17. Losev, A.F. Lichnost i Absolyut [The Personality and Absolute, Ed. by A.A. Takho-Godi]. Moscow, Mysl Publ., 1999. 719 p. (In Russ.)

18. Takho-Godi, E.A. Aleksey Losev v epokhu russkoy revolyutsii: 1917–1919 [Alexey Losev in the Era of the Russian Revolution: 1917–1919]. Moscow, Modest Kolerov Publ., 2014. 368 p. (In Russ.)

19. Losev, A.F. Forma. Stil. Vyrazheniye [Form. Style. Expression, Ed. by A.A. Takho-Godi]. Moscow, Mysl Publ., 1995. 944 p. (In Russ.)

20. Losev, A.F. Eros u Platona [Eros at Plato]. Georgiyu Ivanovichu Chelpanovu ot uchastnikov yego seminariyev v Kiyeve i Moskve 1891–1916: Statii po filosofii i psikhologii [Georgy Ivanovich Chelpanov from Participants in his Seminaries in Kiev and Moscow 1891–1916: Articles on Philosophy and Psychology]. Moscow, Tovarischestvo tipografii A.I. Mamontova Publ., 1916, pp. 52–78. (In Russ.)

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22. Troitskiy, V.P. Avtograf A.F. Loseva na knige, podarennoy G.G. Shpetu [A.F. Losev’s Autograph on a Book Donated to G.G. Shpet]. Byulleten Biblioteki “Dom A.F. Losevaˮ [Bulletin of the Library “The A.F. Losev Houseˮ]. Vol. 12. Moscow, Vodoley Publ., 2010, pp. 82–84. (In Russ.)

23. Losev, A.F. Na rubezhe epokh: Raboty 1910-kh – nachala 1920-kh godov [At the Border of Epochs: Works of 1910’s – Beginning of 1920’s, Ed. by A.A. Takho-Godi, E.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitskiy, Comp. by E.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitskiy; Comm. by A.A. Takho-Godi, E.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitskiy]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya Publ., 2015. 1088 p. (In Russ.)

24. Takho-Godi, E.A. A.F. Losev i Yu.I. Aykhenvald: k istorii biograficheskikh i esteticheskikh skhozhdeniy [Aleksei Losev and Yuly Aykhenvald: on the History of Biographical and Aesthetic Convergence]. Voprosy filosofii [Topics in Study of Philosophy]. 2020. No. 9 (In print). (In Russ.)

25. Marx, K., Engels, F. Sochineniya [Collected Works]. The 2nd Edition. Vol. 20. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoye izdatelstvo politicheskoy literatury Publ., 1961. 828 p. (In Russ.)

26. Vakhitov, R.R. Pozdniy Losev i marksizm [The Late Losev and Marxism]. Voprosy filosofii [Topics in Study of Philosophy]. 2018. No. 1, pp. 106–117. (In Russ.)

27. Pushchayev, Yu.V. Otnosheniye A.F. Loseva k kommunizmu i sovetskomu stroyu [The Attitude of A.F. Losev to Communism and the Soviet System]. Filosof i yego vremya: K 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya A.F. Loseva. XVI Losevskiye chteniya [Philosopher and his Time: On A.F. Losev’s 125th Anniversary of the Birth. The 16th Losev Readings, Comp. by E.A. Takho-Godi]. Moscow, MAKS Press Publ., 2019, pp. 403–412. (In Russ.)

28. Takho-Godi, A.A. “Filosof khochet vse ponimatˮ: “Dialektika mifaˮ i Dopolneniye k ney [“The Philosopher Wants to Understand Everything”. “Dialectics of Myth” and its Supplement]. Losev, A.F. Dialektika mifa. Dopolneniye k “Dialektike mifaˮ [The Dialectic of Myth. Addition to the “Dialectic of Mythˮ, Comp., Prep. Text, Ed. by A.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitsky; Foreword by A.A. Takho-Godi; Notes by. V.P. Troitsky]. Moscow, Mysl Publ., 2001, pp. 5–30. (In Russ.)

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