Ivan Bunin’s Early Prose: Source Studies, Textology, Attribution, Dating

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 25a Povarskaya Str., Moscow, 191069, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 4

The present paper represents a first attempt at the general idea of textology of Ivan Bunin’s early prose. The problematic issues of source studies, textual studies, dating, and attribution are considered. Also, the paper aims at giving a brief overview of the archive collections of Ivan Bunin’s materials as well as studying the problems of the choice of the main text of early prose works, and revealing the main difficulties in dating the writer’s early prose. The author presents a newly developed general methodology for attribution of anonymous or pseudonymously signed publications of conditionally non-fictional prose by Ivan Bunin (articles, correspondence) in the provincial newspapers of Orel, Kiev and Odessa. The main issues of source studies, textual studies, attribution and dating of the writer’s early prose studied in the paper are to reveal more specific problems and issues that will be solved during the preparation of the first academic Complete works and letters of Ivan Bunin.

KeywordsIvan Bunin, early prose, source studies, textual criticism, attribution, dating
AcknowledgmentThe research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation No. 22-18-00347 “Ivan Bunin’s early work: poetry, prose, criticism, journalism, translations (1883–1902)ˮ
Publication date28.09.2022
Number of characters25589
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1. Bunin, I.A. Sobranie sochinenii v 5 t. [Collected Works in 5 Volumes], introd. by L.V. Nikulin; text and notes by P.L. Viacheslavov. Moscow, Pravda Publ., 1956. (Biblioteka “Ogonekˮ). (In Russ.)

2. Bunin, I.A. Sobranie sochinenii v 9 t. [Collected Works in 9 Volumes], ed. by A.S. Miasnikov, B.S. Riurikov, A.T. Tvardovsky. Moscow, Khudozh. lit. Publ., 1965–1967. (In Russ.)

3. Bunin, I.A. Sobranie sochinenii v 6 t. [Collected Works in 6 Volumes], ed. by Iu.V. Bondarev, O.N. Mikhailov, V.P. Rynkevich. Moscow, Khudozh. lit. Publ., 1987–1988. (In Russ.)

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7. Bunin, I.A. Dva strannika [Two Wanderers]. Rodina [Motherland]. 1887, No. 39, September 28, Column 1224–1229. (In Russ.)

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18. Bunin, I.A. Sobranie sochinenii v 11 t. [Collected Works in 11 Volumes] Berlin, Petropolis Publ., 1934–1936. (In Russ.)

19. Bunin, I.A. Nefedka: Sviatochnyi rasskaz [Nefedka: A Yuletide Story]. Rodina [Motherland]. 1887, No. 51, December 20, Column 1613–1615. (In Russ.)

20. Bunin, I.A. Den’ za den’: Staraia istoriia [Day by Day: An Old Story]. Orlovskii vestnik [Oryol Bulletin]. 1889, November 22, No. 156, p. 2. (In Russ.)

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22. Bunin, I.A. Pervaia liubov’. Iz vospominanii detstva: Rasskaz [First Love. From Childhood Memories: A Story]. Orlovskii vestnik [Oryol Bulletin]. 1890, February 13, No. 26, pp. 2–3; February 14, No. 27, pp. 2–3. (In Russ.)

23. Bunin, I.A. Melkopomestnye: Ocherki iz zhizni eletskikh pomeshchikov [Small-Scale Gentry: Essays from the Life of Yelets Landowners]. Orlovskii vestnik [Oryol Bulletin]. 1891, October 27, No. 285, p. 2; November 29, No. 317, p. 2; December 8, No. 326, pp. 2–3; December 13, No. 331, pp. 2–3; December 17, No. 335, pp. 2–3; December 22, No. 340, p. 2. Signed: I.A.B. (In Russ.)

24. Bunin, I.A. Pomeshchik Vorgolskii: Iz ocherkov “Staroe i novoeˮ [Landowner Vorgolsky: From the “Old and Newˮ Essays]. Orlovskii vestnik [Oryol Bulletin]. 1892, June 3, No. 143, p. 2; June 4, No. 144, pp. 2–3; June 5, No. 145, p. 2; June 6, No. 146, p. 2. (In Russ.)

25. Bunin, I.A. Pereval i drugie rasskazy [The Pass and Other Stories]. 4th ed., corr. Moscow, Moskovskoe knigoizdatel'stvo Publ., 1912. (In Russ.)

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