On Some Features of the Perfect and Pluperfect Constructions in Pskov Dialects (On the Material of One Opochka Dialect of the Pskov Region)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 2

The paper discusses some features of the use of the perfect and pluperfect constructions in one Opochka dialect. A hypothesis about the origin of the “short” forms in the construction вода принесен is put forward: it is shown that they should be interpreted not as reduced forms of the neutral, but as morphological forms of the masculine. Two types of the pluperfect forms (был пришедши and был ходил) are analyzed: the paper discusses their semantics and place they take in the grammatical system of the dialect. The forms of the first type express, apparently, the grammatical meaning of the result in the past and they are members of the category of the perfect. The forms of the second type are opposed to the “usual” past on the basis of the remoteness / irrelevance. In addition, the question about the origin of the anti-resultative meaning of the pluperfect forms is raised. The data of the analyzed dialect confirm the hypothesis about the origin of the anti-resultative meaning in the history of the Russian language from the resultative meaning and not from the meaning of the remote past, as it often happens in the languages of the world.

KeywordsOpochka dialects, pluperfect, new perfect, irrealis.
Publication date25.04.2022
Number of characters35448
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