Hussism as Evaluated by the Petersburg Slavophiles (From I.S. Palmov’s Letters to V.I. Lamansky)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Full Professor
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 4

The article precedes the publication of two letters from the Slavist, Professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy Ivan Savvich Palmov to his teacher Vladimir Ivanovich Lamansky, which reveal the circumstances of Palmov's mission to the Slavic lands in the years 1881-1882. It is noted that during the mission, Palmov continued to collect materials on the history of the Hussite movement in the Czech Republic, referring primarily to the works of predecessors and followers of J. Huss. Lamansky's views on the origins and character of Hussiteism, which were reflected in his lecture courses at St. Petersburg University, are examined. Lamansky's point of view, which coincides in general with the Slavophile interpretation of Hussitism as an attempt to return to the traditions of the Cyrillic and Methodius (pre-Catholic) version of Christianity and to the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church, is presented. The connection of Lamansky's perception about Hussiteism with his historiosophic conception is noted. According to this conception the doctrine of J. Huss and the wars of the Taborites was one of the manifestations of the civilizational confrontation between the Romano-Germanic and the Greek-Slavic worlds. The article reproduces Lamansky's critical remarks about representatives of the Czech intelligentsia and the contemporary situation of the Czechs, which led to the conflict in the St. Petersburg Slavic Benevolent Society. Moreover, some facts illustrating the nature of mutual relations between the two academics are presented.

Keywordshistory of Slavic studies, history of Bohemia, Hussiteism, Slavophilism, Lamansky, Palmov, Greco-Slavic world, Pan-Slavism.
AcknowledgmentThis publication was made possible by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 21-18-00153, «The Idea of Empire and the Idea of Revolution: Two Poles of the Russian Social and Political Worldview in the Philosophy and Culture of the 19th and 21st Centuries»
Publication date04.10.2023
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