The Hungarian Crisis in the Autumn of 1956 and Discussions at the UN

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The most powerful uprising in Budapest on October 23, 1956, whichimmediately threatened the existence of the communist regime in Hungary, and the introduction of the Soviet troops to suppress it caused a wide international resonance, which led on October 28 to putting the «Hungarian question» on the UN agenda.However, with the unleashing of the military conflict in the Middle East on October 29 (the military operations of Great Britain, France and Israel against Egypt, which nationalized the SuezCanal), the main attention of the world community switches from Hungary to the Middle East. The disagreements that arose between the United States and their Western allies created a more favorable background for the Soviet Union to implement on November 4 a decisive military action to change the government in Hungary. In November, as the tension on the Suez Canal eases, the discussion of the situation in Hungary comes to the fore in the UN. In the face of opposition from the USSR, the adoption by the UN General Assembly in November-December 1956 of numerous resolutions on Hungary did not bring any real effect, with the exception of those that made it possible to improve the situation with 200 thousand Hungarian refugees who rushed to Austria and Yugoslavia after the suppression of the revolution.

KeywordsHungary, Hungarian crisis of 1956, Suez crisis of 1956, United Nations, international relations in the 1950s
Publication date20.06.2022
Number of characters59022
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