The attempt to capture Poznan in 1704 made by the Saxon-Russian-Polish troops of Johann Rheingold Patkul

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: lecturer
Affiliation: Adam Mickiewicz University
Address: Poznan, Poland
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

There were cases in the world military history when hesitation of the commander led to the defeat of the army. The siege of Poznan by Johann Rheingold Patkul in 1704 is an excellent example here. Patkul had all the resources and opportunities to capture the city, yet he failed due to a range of possible factors, including incompetence, impudence of the commander and the lack of military experience of most of the soldiers who besieged Poznan. It isan indisputable fact that Patkuldid not have enough courage to launch the assault, even though he had more people and better artillery than the enemy and he had already made three breaks in the wall. Everything was ready for a successful attack, people were eager to fight, thus, one decision, one order would have been enough to make August II the ruler of Poznan. Still, it did not happen and the text below shows how the events unfolded during the siege.


KeywordsPoznan, siege of Poznań in 1704, Northern War, Johann Reinhold Patkul
Publication date31.03.2021
Number of characters38914
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