The genesis of anabaptism in the Kingdom of Poland and in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1550–1560

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: junior researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies RAS
Address: 119334 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, build. 32-А
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

The article reveals the issue of reception of the Anabaptist doctrine by Polish and Lithuanian antitrinitarians in the second half of the1560s. The author analyses consistent and religiously substantiated relations between the Anabaptists’ denial of infant baptism and social-ethic concept of non-resistance in the belief of Moravian Anabaptists (Hutterites). This belief was introduced to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland by Piotr z Goniądza, and it was perceived in some early works of Polish and Lithuanian Antitrinitarians. However, synods showed ambiguous reaction to Anabaptism: the majority accepted the Baptist doctrine, but they were not ready to meet its social-ethics demands.

KeywordsRadical Reformation, Anabaptism, Antitrinitarians, Hutterites, isolation, community of goods
Publication date31.03.2021
Number of characters54437
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