On the issue: Sigismund N. Valk and Marxism (Valk’s notes on the margins of Adam Schaff’s book «Marxism and the Human Individual»)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: leading researcher
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of history RAS
Address: Saint-Peterburg, Russia
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 5

The article is devoted to the contacts between the outstanding Soviet historian Sigismund N. Valk and Polish culture and academia. The paper focuses on important aspects of Valk's historical vision, his attitude to different trends of Marxism in particular. Special attention is paid to the analysis of Valk’s notes in the margins of the book of the renown Polish philosopher Adam Schaff «Marxism and the Human Individual». 

KeywordsSigismund N. Valk, Poland, Marxism, Adam Schaff, St. Petersburg historical school
Publication date18.09.2020
Number of characters33280
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