Belarusian-Polish contradictions in the Communist movement of Western Belarus in the 1920s and 1930s: historiography and research prospects

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate professor
Affiliation: Department of Slavic people's history of the Brest State A. S. Pushkin University
Address: Brest, Republic Belarus, Brest
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The article presents the historiography of the Belarusian-Polish communist cooperation in Western Belarus in 1921–1939. Based on a wide range of studies and archival documents, it is concluded that the Communist Party has Belarusian-Polish contradictions that require substantive scientific development.


Keywordshistoriography, the communist movement, the Communist Party of Western Belarus, Belarusian-Polish contradictions
Publication date18.06.2020
Number of characters26651
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