How Jakim the Tiun was counting squirrels (to the interpretation of birchbark letter no 1021)

Publication type Article
Status Published
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, 119334, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 32A
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

Novgorod birchbark letter no 1021 (the second half of the twelfth century) is a record of a purchase by two partners of a large batch of squirrel pelts, indicating the amount of money paid for the fur. Comparison of these data with the testimonies of other recently discovered birchbark documents made it possible to restore the system of relations linking the three main types of means of payment that were in use in Rus’ in the pre-Mongol period: silver, fur and leather «banknotes». Based on these ratios, among which the central one is the equivalence of silver grivnato «semnitsa» to «seven times forty» squirrel pelts, the article proposes a detailed reconstruction of the financial operation reflected by the document.

KeywordsOld Russian monetary-weight systems, birchbark documents
AcknowledgmentThe research was carried out at the Institute of Slavic studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a grant from the Russian science Foundation (project no. 19-18-00352).
Publication date23.03.2020
Number of characters23787
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