USSR in the reports of Croatian diplomats from Sofia during the war (1941–1944)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Lead Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies
Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospct, 32A, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The text is built on the basis of the reports of the Croatian diplomats in Sofia contains some plots, related to the position of the Bulgarian authorities towards the USSR during World War Two. The adduced information let not only learn more about political views of the statesmen and political activists of the Third Bulgaran Kingdom, but also to pursue their variations. 

KeywordsSofia, Russia, Soviet Union, Germany, peace, armistice, Germans, Bulgarians, people, politics
Publication date27.05.2019
Number of characters27843
100 rub.
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1. Poslanstvo NDH u Sofiji Diplomatski izvestaji 1941–1945. Zagreb 2003. Sv. 1.

2. Poslanstvo NDH u Sofiji Diplomatski izvestaji 1941–1945. Zagreb 2003. Sv. 2.

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