Regions of Europe in the historiosophic treatise of Vladimir I. Lamansky «Three worlds of the Asian-European continent»

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Center for interdisciplinary research of Slavic literature
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies RAS
Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospct, 32A, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The book by Vladimir I. Lamansky appeared in 1892, and could be called the last historiosophical work of the Slavophile direction in Russian Slavic studies. The most important task of this work was the continuation of the development of the basic theoretical and methodological concepts of Slavophilism under the new conditions and reasoned proof of their inviolability. One of the main goals of the work was the definition of the boundaries of the Greco-Slavic world with the Romano-Germanic world- Lamansky as the partisan of the division of the Romano-Germanic (Catholic and Protestant) world from the Middle (Orthodox) one, strove not only to see the division lines, but also their common grounds. The need of giving theoretical foundations from the separation of the Middle World from the Asiatic surrounding made Lamansky to pose such a new task for the Slavophile direction

KeywordsLamansky, Slavic studies, Slavophilism, Romano-Germanic world, Greco-Slavic world, Middle World, Europe.
Publication date27.05.2019
Number of characters25784
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