Anthroponymical Embodiment of Family Unity in Medieval Rus’

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russia, Moscow
Affiliation: V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 6

The paper dwells on various onomastic means that ensured family unity within a generation in Medieval Rus’, highlighting, first and foremost, the unity between brothers. The important research tools are the history of personal patronal saints cult and the the fact that Christians used to have two names: a baptismal name, as well as an additional name from the church calendar. Particular emphasis is put on intentional semantics play of non-Christian names, on the one hand, and on working with recurring Christian anthroponyms in a family, on the other hand. The article introduces a term anthroponymical castle,which is supposed to explain the cases common in Medieval Times where the members of the family carried the same names and underline the family character of this notion. ‘The language of names’ allows to demonstrate ambitions of the family, invoke its history, whether actual or fictional, highlight various aspects of family piety and current political situation. The paper demonstrates how given names acted as a means of planning when they were given to the first and the last of the Rurikids to rule on the Russian throne; to the Morozov brothers, the boyars; and to some other obscure participants of numerous events described in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Keywordsonomastics, name-giving in pre-Petrine Rus’, Medieval Russian polyonymy, dual naming of lay Christians, cult of saints, Church calendar, patron saints
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared based on the results of the project “Ancient Russia and the Peter's Era in Manuscripts: Commented Reading and Publishing of Texts” with the support of the Humanitarian Research Foundation of the Higher School of Economics National Research University in 2021.
Publication date28.12.2021
Number of characters39290
100 rub.
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Система Orphus
