“Telo Vozbuzhdeno” and “Delo Vozbuzhdeno”: Special Accent Forms in Professional Jargon

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Russian Language Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 6

The article studies the origin of the phrases ‘telo vozbuzhdeno’ and ‘delo vozbuzhdeno’, which are connected with the long-standing problem of socially and professionally determined accent forms. It is noted that there may be several reasons for the appearance of different accentological forms: general language tendencies, semantic subtleties, social and professional factors. The reasons may overlap and thus give rise to different views on the phenomenon itself.

The author considers different views on the discrepancy between the accentual norm in the common Russian language and that in the professional legal language for the word “vozbuzhdennyi” (‘aroused’, ‘initiated’). There are two main, completely opposite points of view, one of which does not allow any other variant of pronunciation, except for the literary norm. The other оne, on the contrary, accepts both variants, but with a strictly limited range of use, and attributes this linguistic phenomenon either to vernacular, or to professionalisms. There is also a group of scientists who accept a nonliterary version of the accent, referring it either to professional vernacular or to professional jargon.

The author of the article believes that, despite the contradictions, each of these points of view has the right to exist. Meanwhile, the paper draws attention to the fact that deviation from the literary norm is not always an indicator of a low level of speech culture.

Keywordsaccentuation norm, accent, legal term, special word, professional speech
Publication date29.12.2020
Number of characters14807
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