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1. Kasatkin L. L., Kasatkina R. F., Nikitina S. E. [Russian language of Oregon Old Believers: language portraits]. Rechevoe obshchenie v usloviyakh yazykovoi neodnorodnosti [Speech communication in the context of linguistic heterogeneity (ed. by L. P. Krysin)]. Moscow, Editorial URSS Publ., 2000, pp. 134152. (In Russ.)
2. Kasatkina R. F. [Eternal wanderers in Oregon]. Russkie staroobryadtsy. Yazyk. Kul'tura. Istoriya. Sbornik statei k XIV Mezhdunarodnomu s"ezdu slavistov [Russian Old Believers. Language. Culture. History. Collection of articles for the XIV International Congress of Slavists (ed by L. L. Kasatkin)]. Moscow, Yazyki Slavyanskikh Kul'tur Publ., 2008, pp. 184199. (In Russ.)
3. Nikitina S. E. [Linguistic identity of the Molokans and Old Believers of the USA: the fates of the Russian language]. Rusistika Segodnya ¹ 12/98. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS. Ìoscow, 1998, pp. 6271. (In Russ.)
4. Nikitina S. E. [The earthly kingdom of Christ in Molokan folklore through the prism of key words]. Fol'klor i etnografiya. K devyanostoletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya K. V. Chistova [Folklore and Ethnography. Festschrift to 90th anniversary of K. V. Chistov (ed. by A. K. Baiburin, T. B. Shchepanskaya)]. Sankt-Petersburg, MAE RAN Publ., 2011, pp. 189202. (In Russ.)
5. Sionskii pesennik stoletnyago perioda khristianskoi religii Molokan Dukhovnykh prygunov v Amerike. Izdanie 4-e, sost. P. I. Samarin [Zion hymnal of the one hundred year old period of the religion of Molokans, the Spiritual Jumpers in the USA. 4th ed., by P. I. Samarin]. Los Angeles, 1964.