Tactile Metaphors and their Functioning in Modern Russian

Publication type Article
Status Published
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Independent researcher
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 5

The paper presents a study of Russian adjectives for tactile sensations. In this study we have analyzed the fi gurative meanings of the adjectives for tactile sensations and compiled a glossary consisting of 39 tactile metaphors. The article defi nes the conceptual status of a tactile metaphor in relation to the other groups of perceptual metaphors. The research material was collected in the Russian National Corpus. The words under analysis are classifi ed in accordance to the main components of the meaning and usage in Russian language. The study focuses on the evaluative component of every lexical item. The research shows that tactile metaphors have negative meanings more often than the positive ones, which is further explained in the paper. This article is recommended for linguists, specialists in cognitive linguistics and neurolinguistics, as well as for teachers of Russian language.

Keywords metaphor, Russian language, tactile metaphor, evaluation category, positive evaluation, negative evaluation
Publication date25.09.2019
Number of characters24838
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