Verbal Formula “Mind of the Public” in the Drama “Boris Godunov” by A. S. Pushkin

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vologda state University
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 2
AbstractSemantic and imaginative implications of the verbal formula ‘mind of the public’ in A.S. Pushkin’s drama “Boris Godunov” are examined in the article, as well as the role of this formula in the drama`s confl ict structure. The article focuses on the correlation between the core and peripheral semantic components of the word ‘mind’ that is relevant for the socio-historical and moral-psychological aspects analysis of the drama’s problems both in terms of Pushkin’s interpretation of the public image and the author’s concept of personality. While the core semantic component of the word ‘mind’ emphasizes the features of the highest moral responsibility, exponent of the public will, determinant for a future of a government and citizens, its peripheral semantic component reveals the meaning ‘to give the impression’ and correlates with the popular rumors’ spreading feature that affect significant historical events. The phantom of that kind was the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry, who allegedly escaped to avoid death and whose role, that was taken by the monk Gregory Otrepiev approved by the ‘mind of the public’, that obliterated Otrepiev’s personality and provoked bloody Russian distemper in the early 17th century. And Boris Godunov in Pushkin’s drama is considered as a victim of the ‘mind of the public’, but in contrast with Otrepiev, he is trying to preserve the unity of his personality and the role of a tsar, he played in the history. Thus, the status of the ‘first person’, the protagonist, nominated by Pushkin, is motivated. “Mind of the public” speech patterns analysis in Pushkin’s drama shows the connection between Boris Godunov and the process of public consciousness formation in the Russian literature of the fi rst third of the 19th century.
Keywordsconflict, personality, ‘mind of the public’, drama, rumors, peripheral semantic component, enlightenment, role behavior, romanticism, the Time of Troubles, phantom, core semantic component
Publication date29.03.2019
Number of characters19293
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Система Orphus
